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After prevention, Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) is the most effective method to control establishment and spread of new populations of invasive plants. We work in partnership with National Forests and Parks, Washington Dept. of Agriculture (WSDA), Department of Natural Resources (DNR), county noxious weed programs, and other local groups to offer a Citizen Science EDRR Invasive Plant Program.  Through this program, we train citizens how to identify, record, and report priority invasive plants that they find while out on hikes, using EDDMapSWest. Training sessions for new volunteer citizen scientists are offered every spring.


“Extinction by habitat destruction is like death in an automobile accident: easy to see and assess. Extinction by the invasion of exotic species is like death by disease: gradual, insidious, requiring scientific methods to diagnose.” – Professor Edward O. Wilson


Early Detection is a system of active and/or passive surveillance to find and verify the identity of new invasive species as early after entry as possible, when eradication and control are still feasible and less costly. Surveillance can be targeted at:

a) areas where introductions are likely, such as near pathways of introduction

b) sensitive ecosystems where impacts are likely to be great or invasion is likely to be rapid


Rapid Response is the effort to eradicate, contain, or control invasive species while the infestation is still localized. It may be implemented in response to new introductions, or to isolated infestations of a previously established invasive plant.


  • April, May, June, August 2023
    April, May, June, August 2023
    Washington and Oregon
    April, May, June, August 2023
    Washington and Oregon
    Let us know you're interested in our upcoming workshop series where we train citizen scientists to survey invasive plants.
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